Monday, January 10, 2022

Perfomalist Release Notes

- Perfomalist 1.1. has now the Change Point Detection API as described in the previous post:

The Change Points Detection Perfomalist API beta version is released. 

Contributors:  Arvid Trubin

Filipp Trubin


- Perfomalist 1.2. has additional two columns in the table view of the weekly profile to underline two types of anomalies the tool detects: 

    High Anomaly - Unusual high data value for particular hour calculated as Actual - UCL95 (only positive values of the subtraction is populated and represents EV+ which is Exception Value/significance of the anomaly) 

    Low Anomaly - Unusual low data value for particular hour calculated as UCL5 - Actual (only positive values of the subtraction is populated and represents EV- which is Exception Value /significance of the anomaly) 

If the value of Low or/and High Anomaly is "0" the particular hour does not have any anomalies. 
The number of anomalous week hours also counted and printed at the header of the columns in "()".

Contributor: Michael Berdichevsky

Perfomalist team is presenting at international conference in Orlando.

PRODUCT: LinkedIn Post ABSTRACT: The MASF/SETDS method of detecting changes and anomalies in performa...