Sunday, November 29, 2015

TruTech Development Environment - Cloud based mobile development technology stack

-          User Interface and Interactivity:
The hybrid mobile app is just a regular website, written in CSS, HTML5 and JavaScript. The advantage is that you can write a single application for web presence, Apple, Android and Windows phone. Cordova and PhoneGap are used as a bridge between mobile devices and HTML + CSS + JavaScript. Google charts, D3 – visualization and reporting.

-          Dream Factory (DF) and Data:
DF Allows to have live documented REST API for SQL, NoSQL, file storage, email and push notifications and remote web services. No manual API coding required. It provides ability to customize API behavior as needed with server-side scripting. Granular, role-based access permissions are available. DF allows online user sign up and sign in. There is ability to call API endpoints from any client and receive JSON or XML back. R is for analytic.


  1. Thank you very much for sharing info about Cloud based mobile development technology stack.Its really useful and convenient.I'm so delighted that You've mentioned about all the Dream factory and SQLs. Keep posting

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"Detecting Past and Future Change Points in Performance Data" - research paper preprint

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